How to see the severity of a Firmware Vulnerability and the number of devices which have that vulnerability?

Follow the instructions in order to see the severity of vulnerabilities and the devices which are vulnerable:
  • Click on the the "Firmware Vulnerability" tab.
  • Under "Firmware Vulnerabilities", you will be able to see all the vulnerabilities in your network.
  • Right next to all vulnerabilities, you will be able to see the categorization of those vulnerabilities based on their severity level.
  • NCM groups vulnerabilities as Critical, Important, Moderate and Low.
  • If you wish to view the devices belonging to a particular category of severity, click on the severity to view all the vulnerabilities and the devices associated with it.
  • Network Configuration Manager categorizes the severity of vulnerabilities based on the "Base score" given by the person who reports the vulnerability.
  • Further drilling down, you can see the CVE ID, devices having that vulnerability and the reference URLs to resolve the vulnerability.